Lean Six SIGMA

Combining Six Sigma Quality with Lean Production Speed

Cover Art for 9780071385213, Lean Six SIGMA by Michael L. George
ISBN: 9780071385213
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Published: 25 April, 2002
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
Links Australian Libraries (Trove)
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Time and quality are the two most important metrics in improving any company's production and profit performance. Lean Six Sigma explains how to impact your company's performance in each, by combining the strength oftoday's two most important initiatives--Lean Production and Six Sigma--into one integrated program. The first book to provide a step-by-step roadmap for profiting from the best elements of Lean and Six Sigma, this breakthrough volume will show you how to: * Achieve major cost and lead time reductions this year * Compress order-to-delivery cycle times * Battle process variation and waste throughout your organization

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