The Wisdom of Wolves

How Wolves Can Teach Us To Be More Human

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Cover Art for 9780241346716, The Wisdom of Wolves by Elli H. Radinger
ISBN: 9780241346723
Publisher: Michael Joseph
Published: 5 March, 2019
Format: Paperback
Language: English
3 other editions of this product
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Love your family, care for your those around you, never give up and always find time to have fun - these are the golden rules of wolves. These remarkably intelligent animals take empathetic care of their old and injured, bring up their young lovingly and are able to forget everything when playing. They think, dream, make plans, communicate intelligently with one another - and behave more like humans than any other animal.Elli H. Radinger, a world-leading expert on wolves, tells readers of astonishing and hitherto unknown facts about the lives of wolves and demonstrates the many ways in which we can improve our own lives by learning from them.

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