The Cat Who Said Cheese

Cover Art for 9780399140754, The Cat Who Said Cheese by Lilian Jackson Braun
ISBN: 9780399140754
Publisher: Putnam Pub Group (T)
Published: 1 February, 1996
Format: Hardcover
Links Australian Libraries (Trove)
19 other editions of this product
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It's autumn in the little town of Pickax, Moose County, and the citizens are preparing for a new event: the Great Food Explo. A philanthropic creation of the Klingenschoen Foundation (a.k.a. Jack Qwilleran), the Explo was arranged to bring new restaurants, inns, and food specialty shops to the area. The great event is only a week away when a bomb goes off in the only hotel in town, killing a housekeeper. Luckily for Pickax, Qwilleran and his two sleuthing felines, Koko and Yum Yum, are on the case. Thrown into the melee are several new characters, including a mysterious woman, a gentle beekeeper, and the woman who wins a date with Qwilleran at a celebrity auction--although cheese seems to be the main character. Find out what's going on in Moose County and read about some delicious tidbits while you're at it! --Jhana Bach

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