Educational Psychology

Cover Art for 9780495500346, Educational Psychology by Bruce W Tuckman
ISBN: 9780495500346
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Published: 28 February, 2010
Format: Paperback
Links Australian Libraries (Trove)
Saving: Saving: $64.99 or 70%

This comprehensive educational psychology book blends a strong scholarly and theoretical background with the application of theories and concepts using real-world examples, case studies, and practical teaching strategies. The book's innovative pedagogical program is anchored by a cohesive learning objective system integrated throughout each chapter, which guides readers and reinforces their understanding of concepts. A unique "Think It Over" feature asks readers to reflect on important topics as both a student of psychology and a future classroom teacher. Video Cases, introduced in the book and available to view on the book's Companion Website, provide a firsthand look at real-world applications and best practices. Among the other distinctive aspects of the book is an entire chapter on group process.

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