Tree Magic: Connecting with the Spirit & Wisdom of Trees

Connecting with the Spirit & Wisdom of Trees

Cover Art for 9780738761930, Tree Magic: Connecting with the Spirit & Wisdom of Trees by Sandra Kynes
ISBN: 9780738761930
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications
Published: 8 June, 2021
Format: Paperback / softback
Language: English
1 other edition of this product
Saving: Saving: $26.08 or 35%

Explore the timeless wisdom of trees and work with their power using this remarkable book by renowned author Sandra Kynes. Featuring spellcraft and rituals, Tree Magic helps you connect with the natural world and deepen your magical practive. This practical guide teaches you about more than sixty varieties of trees, providing biological information, history, lore, correspondences, magical uses, and more. Sandra offers extensive resources, including details on the Celtic ogham, tree calendar, and handy correspondence charts. Whether you're looking for a tree aligned with Venus or a tree to aid your divination, Tree Magic is the ideal resource for enhancing your magical work and relationship to nature.

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