Balinese Dance, Drama and Music

A Guide to the Performing Arts of Bali

Cover Art for 9781462908677, Balinese Dance, Drama and Music by I. Wayan Dibia
ISBN: 9780804841832
Publisher: Tuttle Publishing
Published: 23 March, 2011
Format: Paperback
Links Australian Libraries (Trove)
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Bali has long been known for its deep spirituality and extraordinary artistic heritage.The dances, dramas, puppetry and music of Bali are more than icons for the island; they are part and parcel of lifeas expressions of devotion to the gods, as entertainment, and as a way of instilling cultural values on each generation. Balinese Dance, Drama & Music is a lavishly illustrated introduction to Bali's celebrated temple orchestra, the gamelan, to its ancient shadow puppet theater, and to a myriad of traditional and contemporary dances and dance-dramas that continue to enthrall locals and visitors alike.Ideal reading for visitors to the island as well as for anyone interested in Balinese culture, the book presents the history and function of each performance genre, with illustrations and photographs to aid in identification. Introductory sections discuss the way performing arts are learned in Bali and the basic Balinese values which are passed on in these forms, as well as some of the basic religious and cultural tenets that are expressed in the arts and the functions of the forms themselves.Different sections describe particular forms of performing arts, such as Gong Angklung, Legong, the Keraton dance, Wayang Kulit, and women's gamelan groups.

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