Baal Belbora, the end of the dancing: The agony of the British invasion of the ancient people of the Three Rivers--the Hastings, the Manning, and the Macleay in New South Wales

The Agony of the British Invasion of the Ancient People of the Three Rivers--The Hastings, the Manning, and the Macleay in New South Wales

Cover Art for 9780909188900, Baal Belbora, the end of the dancing: The agony of the British invasion of the ancient people of the Three Rivers--the Hastings, the Manning, and the Macleay in New South Wales by Geoffrey Blomfield
ISBN: 9780909188900
Publisher: Alternative Publishing Co-operative
Published: 1 January, 1986
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Links Australian Libraries (Trove)

Hostilities between Aborigines and pioneer pastoralists.

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