Journey to Joy: A Guide to Finding Peace, Happiness and Purpose

A Guide to Finding Peace, Happiness, and Purpose

Cover Art for 9780968910917, Journey to Joy: A Guide to Finding Peace, Happiness and Purpose by Celia Sankar
ISBN: 9780968910917
Publisher: Damascus Pr
Published: 1 July, 2002
Format: Paperback

Are you living your best life? Why does joy seem so elusive? We all want peace and happiness, but so few achieve it. The greatest tragedy would be to live all one’s days under a burden of pain, shame, anger and fear. Life was meant to be a wonderful experience. You don’t have to settle for less. In this warm, honest book, internationally acclaimed writer Celia Sankar takes you through the stages from loss and pain to self-love and joy. Journey to Joy can help you to: * Break free from a painful past * Find peace within yourself * Make all your relationships loving * Grow in confidence * Find your purpose * Define and achieve a successful life If you've always felt there should be more to life, if you have been searching for a better way, then this is a book you must read.

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