I Was Told There’d Be Cake

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Cover Art for 9781101147474, I Was Told There’d Be Cake by Sloane Crosley
ISBN: 9781101147474
Publisher: Riverhead Books
Published: 1 April, 2008
Format: eBook - EPUB
17 other editions of this product

Wry, hilarious, and profoundly genuine, this debut collection of literary essays from Sloane Crosley is a celebration of fallibility and haplessness in all their glory. From despoiling an exhibit at the Natural History Museum to provoking the ire of her first boss to siccing the cops on her mysterious neighbor, Crosley can do no right despite the best of intentions -- or perhaps because of them. Together, these essays create a startlingly funny and revealing portrait of a complex and utterly recognizable character who aims for the stars but hits the ceiling, and the inimitable city that has helped shape who she is. I Was Told There'd Be Cake introduces a strikingly original voice, chronicling the struggles and unexpected beauty of modern urban life. Sloane Crosley is also the author of How Did You Get This Number.

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