Teaching Secondary Mathematics

Cover Art for 9781108984683, Teaching Secondary Mathematics by Gregory Hine
ISBN: 9781108984683
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Published: 31 October, 2021
Format: Paperback
Language: English
6 other editions of this product
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Technology plays a crucial role in contemporary mathematics education. Teaching Secondary Mathematics covers major contemporary issues in mathematics education, as well as how to teach key mathematics concepts from the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics. It integrates digital resources via Cambridge HOTmaths (www.hotmaths.com.au), a popular, award-winning online tool with engaging multimedia that helps students and teachers learn and teach mathematical concepts. This book comes with a free twelve-month subscription to Cambridge HOTmaths. Each chapter is written by an expert in the field, and features learning outcomes, definitions of key terms and classroom activities - including HOTmaths activities and reflective questions. Teaching Secondary Mathematics is a valuable resource for pre-service teachers who wish to integrate contemporary technology into teaching key mathematical concepts and engage students in the learning of mathematics.

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