One Question a Day for Kids

A Three-Year Journal: Create Your Own Personal Time Capsule

Cover Art for 9781250166517, One Question a Day for Kids by Aimee Chase
ISBN: 9781250166517
Publisher: Castle Point Books
Published: 1 March, 2024
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
1 other edition of this product
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One Question a Day for Kids is a guided journal with fun and thoughtful questions for each day of the year. By answering the same question every day for three years, children will be able to see how their thoughts, creativity, and even handwriting changes from year to year. Prompts are short and sweet, allowing kids to answer as concisely (or elaborately) as they want. Questions include: If you could have a super power, what would it be? What's the grossest thing you've ever seen? Which of your friends do you trust the most? What's one thing your parents don't know about you? Rate your teachers from favorite to least favorite.

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