Hello, Horse (Nature Storybooks)

Nature Storybooks

Cover Art for 9781406382976, Hello, Horse (Nature Storybooks) by Vivian French
ISBN: 9781406382976
Publisher: Walker Books
Published: 4 July, 2019
Format: Paperback
Language: English
2 other editions of this product
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A beautifully produced Nature Storybook about horses, by Vivian French with pictures by Kate Greenaway medallist Catherine Rayner. From much-loved author Vivian French and award-winning illustrator Catherine Rayner comes a charming new Nature Storybook about horses. Hello, Horse! gently introduces young children to Shannon, a friendly chestnut mare, and offers encouragement to children unfamiliar with or a little nervous of these large, beautiful creatures. The subtext is packed with practical tips, such as the right way to offer an apple, and also covers their behaviour - horses' need for company, for example - and life cycle. Tender words and art combine to create a warm and witty introduction to horses ... from the safety of the page!

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