The Basketball School

Cover Art for 9781493686957, The Basketball School by Nsununguli Mbo
ISBN: 9781493686957
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Published: 22 January, 2014
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Saving: Saving: $28.46 or 44%

Sgothi and Buster, from Bokalakeng, an isolated cattle post in rural Botswana, have successfully given up theft. They've bigger dreams. They have formed the Bokalakeng Devils, a basketball team made up of themselves and three old men who have never heard of the sport before. They've big dreams for the team. And they are determined to chase these dreams. From the proceeds of marijuana sales, the two head off to Gaborone to learn more about basketball and establish connections with the right people. But things prove to be more challenging than they had anticipated. Buster has sourced out the problem: evil powers are involved. Will they ever reach their ultimate goal...'

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