A Pentecostal Commentary on the Pastoral Epistles

Cover Art for 9781532645440, A Pentecostal Commentary on the Pastoral Epistles by William K. Kay, John R. l. Moxon
ISBN: 9781532645440
Publisher: Wipf and Stock
Published: 16 June, 2022
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
2 other editions of this product
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The Pastoral Epistles throw light on the early days of the church and the final phase of Paul's life. This commentary scrutinizes the biblical text while attending to the missional, pastoral, and spiritual challenges facing the worldwide Pentecostal and charismatic (or renewalist) movement. It is written for today's church without ignoring scholarly literature and cultural perspectives. The ministry of women, the appointment of elders, prophecy, church governance, living as a Christian in the Roman Empire, the end times, charismatic gifts, spiritual warfare, slavery, and ordination all feature.

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