Mindfulness in Action

Making Friends with Yourself Through Meditation and Everyday Awareness

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Cover Art for 9781611803532, Mindfulness in Action by Chogyam Trungpa
ISBN: 9781611803532
Publisher: Shambhala
Published: 21 June, 2016
Format: Paperback
Language: English
3 other editions of this product
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Mindfulness in Action is a book about meditation, about the practice and experience of mindfulness and awareness, and about how these meditative qualities influence our everyday lives. It is a practitioner's book: a book for people who want to practice meditation and also apply meditative insight to their lives. It includes practice instructions, as well as insights into the principles and aspects of meditation that are the foundations of mindfulness.Shaped for today's mindfulness audience, this book presents a broad, secular approach to meditation and teaches how to practice awareness to improve one's life.

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