Ken Done

Art Design Life

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Cover Art for 9781760760854, Ken Done by Ken Done
ISBN: 9781760760854
Publisher: Thames & Hudson Aust
Published: 23 February, 2021
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
1 other edition of this product
Saving: Saving: $51.70 or 47%

Is it not time we placed Done into the context of Streeton and Roberts, Olsen and Nolan - all of whom lived by and painted the harbour? - Glenn Barkley, curator and artist At once ad man and artist, designer and entrepreneur, Ken Done has achieved what few others have. His signature style has graced ad campaigns and art cars, magazine covers and doona covers, public spaces and landmark cultural events, but it is his unabating passion for painting that sustains him. For more than forty years, Done has chronicled the Australian way, documenting how it feels to be Australian with an exuberance that is immediately recognisable. Ken Done: Art Design Life documents Done's expansive art and design practice over four decades and provides a fascinating insight into the artist and his oeuvre. The book features both early and lesser-known works, as well as the iconic paintings of Sydney Harbour, the Outback and the reef. It opens an extensive archive, providing readers in-depth access to the catalogue of fashion and homewares, and the designs that came to define an era. This book celebrates the man, his work and his enduring legacy, which has captured hearts around the world.

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