A Brief History of the Druids

Brief Histories

Cover Art for 9781841194684, A Brief History of the Druids by Peter Ellis
ISBN: 9781841194684
Publisher: Hachette
Published: 28 March, 2002
Format: Paperback
Language: English
6 other editions of this product
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Shrouded in legend, the mysterious cult of the ancient Druids continues to fascinate, inspiring latter-day imitators who often are only a poorly researched and romantic reflection of Druidic lore. In this compelling and readable history, respected Celtic scholar Peter Berresford Ellis explores who the Druids really were and what role they played in the Celtic world. Ellis provides a fresh and convincing interpretation of the facts, based on both archaeological and etymological findings. "Remarkable ... offers much for the academician as well as the general reader. Fascinating reading!"--Joseph A. King, author of Ireland to North America

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