The Mindfulness Bible: The Complete Guide to Living in the Moment

The Complete Guide to Living in the Moment (Godsfield Bible Series)

Cover Art for 9781841814520, The Mindfulness Bible: The Complete Guide to Living in the Moment by Patrizia Collard
ISBN: 9781841814520
Publisher: Hachette
Published: 5 October, 2015
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Links Hachette
2 other editions of this product
Saving: Saving: $45.77 or 67%

The Mindfulness Bible teaches you how to switch off the stress button and live without unnecessary fear or anxiety. It demonstrates that problems relating to depression, addiction, procrastination and low mood can be overcome through the use of mindfulness techniques and cites key case study examples. Mindfulness can support positive communication, enhance relationships and lead to a better quality of life. Dr Patrizia Collard will show you how to start your journey along the path to mindfulness through the introduction of various techniques, including breathwork, meditation and postural development. Her expert tips on mindfulness and her Eight-Session Mindfulness Course to overcome destructive emotions will help you to practise these techniques on a day-to-day basis. This beautifully illustrated book will set you and your family along the road to mindfulness so that you can live a more attentive, peaceful and relaxed life. Find long-lasting happiness with The Mindfulness Bible.

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