Mandala: Journeys Within the Circle

Journeys Within the Circle

Cover Art for 9781922200983, Mandala: Journeys Within the Circle by Karen Scott, Rachel Le Rossignol
ISBN: 9781922200983
Publisher: Publisher Obscura
Published: 17 March, 2020
Format: Paperback
Language: English
1 other edition of this product
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Mandalas are magic. To create a mandala is to take a journey back to your true self. In the sacred circle of a mandala magic can happen - fears can be released and the power and uniqueness that lies within you can be unlocked.Mandala: Journeys Within the Circle is an exploration of the magic of mandalas. It delves into the history and meaning of this powerful art form, and provides a how-to guide for creating and interpreting your own mandalas. Real-life stories throughout show how mandalas have helped many through dark and difficult times and played a role in turning lives around. These stories and the beautiful mandalas that accompany them offer inspiration, beauty, and reassurance. They will show you how to bring the magic of mandalas into your own life.

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