Follow Me: The Benefits of Discipleship in the Gospel of John (Interpreting Johannine Literature)

The Benefits of Discipleship in the Gospel of John (Interpreting Johannine Literature)

Cover Art for 9781978710269, Follow Me: The Benefits of Discipleship in the Gospel of John (Interpreting Johannine Literature) by Mark Zhakevich
ISBN: 9781978710269
Publisher: Fortress Academic
Published: 14 December, 2020
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
2 other editions of this product
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The Gospel of John heralds a unique call to discipleship. Unlike any other Gospel, the Fourth Gospel offers a multitude of benefits for following Jesus. John promises that discipleship is rewarded with adoption by the Father, royal friendship with the Son, and abiding with the Father and the Son through the Spirit. Nearly two dozen additional benefits fall under these three main categories as John persuades his readers to continuous belief in Jesus. Follow Me: The Benefits of Discipleship in the Gospel of John traces these rewards as incentives for disciples to remain loyal to Jesus in the context of hostility and opposition, in all times and all places, no matter the cost.

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