Mit Dankbarkeit beginnt das Glück

Mit Dankbarkeit beginnt das Glück

Cover Art for 9783833864391, Mit Dankbarkeit beginnt das Glück by Meredith Gaston
ISBN: 9783833864391
Publisher: Graefe Und Unzer Verlag
Published: 7 February, 2018
Format: Hardcover
Language: German
19 other editions of this product
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Every day is a journey, whether your bags are packed and you're off to see the world, or you're simply following your usual nine-to-five routine. Let artist Meredith Gaston set you on a path of wonder, joy and mindfulness with her new book, 101 Inspirations for your Journey. This collection of Meredith's favourite quotations from famous writers and thinkers will spark your sense of adventure and inspire gratefulness, curiosity and delight as you journey through life. Illustrated with Meredith's charming and whimsical drawings, this follow-up to 101 Moments of Joy and Inspiration is the perfect gift for travellers of every kind.

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