Skateparks: Waves of Concrete

Architecture on the Edge of Paradise

Cover Art for 9788499366456, Skateparks: Waves of Concrete by David Andreu
ISBN: 9788499366456
Publisher: Loft Publications
Published: 1 December, 2023
Format: Hardcover
Language: English

A colour illustrated guide to the most beautiful international skateboarding parks created in recent years by the world's top designers, architects and urban landscapers. Skateparks are not only sporting grounds for activity. For young people in particular, they fulfil various social functions beyond sport. David Andreu, with the help and advice of Luka Melloni (Vulcano Skateparks ) has compiled a selection of international skateparks with a special spirit, spaces designed and built by technical teams and practising sportsmen and women. This beautiful volume reviews the most important works of the top designers of recent years, those who are leading the way in the design and conceptualisation of these special spaces. The book is a useful tool for architects, designers, landscapers, builders, urban planners and of course for all skateboarders around the world who want to keep up to date with the skateparks, ramps and pumptracks that have recently been built for their use and enjoyment. AUTHOR: David Andreu is a designer and editor specialising in books about interior design and architecture.

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