Don't Die Broke

Don't Die Broke: How to Turn Your Retirement Savings into Lasting Income, by personal-finance writer and financial-education specialist Margaret A. Malaspina, offers a fresh take on one of today's hottest money matters by outlining ways to tap most effectively into the retirement nest egg that you're currently nurturing. While most such guides concentrate on actually amassing those future fiscal resources in the first place, Malaspina shows instead how to maximize what you're (hopefully) already building so you'll (hopefully) always have what you need. "Most people find themselves making decisions about retirement plan distributions with little guidance," she writes. "Few people understand the consequences of their choices--or, indeed, what choices they have." In clear, highly focused chapters, she offers solid suggestions for creating a lasting retirement income, lowering potential taxes, and building an estate worth passing along. --Howard Rothman

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Jan, 2001

Oct, 2000
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Used: $26.54
Aug, 2000

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