The Book of Frank Herbert

The Book of Frank Herbert : Seed Stock; The Nothing; Rat Race; Gambling Device; Looking for Something?; The Gone Dogs; Passage for Piano; Encounter in a Lonely Place; Operation Syndrome; Occupation Force (DAW Books #UQ1039)

Booko found 45 book editions

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Jun, 2024
New: $56.76

Jun, 2024

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Sep, 2023

Feb, 2023

Feb, 2023

Feb, 2023

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Apr, 2022

Oct, 2020

Sep, 2020

Oct, 2015

Jan, 2015

Jan, 2015

Jan, 2015

Nov, 2014

Nov, 2014

Nov, 2014

Jan, 1997

May, 1981

United States May, 1977

Jan, 1973

Apr, 2023
New: $154.76

Used: $195.70
Nov, 2020
New: $18.56

Used: $41.15
Oct, 2020
New: $1.99

Jul, 2020
New: $172.57

Used: $216.09
Oct, 2013
New: $7.99

Apr, 2012

Jun, 2011

Jun, 2011

Oct, 1984

Used: $81.02
Aug, 1984

Used: $43.21
May, 1981
New: $145.58

Used: $18.39
Jan, 1977

Used: $25.89

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