Sound the Gong

From New York Times-bestselling author Joan He comes the dazzling and sweeping conclusion to The Kingdom of Three duology. All her life, Zephyr has tried to rise above her humble origins as a no-name orphan. Now she is a god in a warrior's body, and she has never felt more powerless. Her lordess, Xin Ren, holds the Westlands, but her position is tenuous. In the north, the empress remains under Miasma's thumb. In the south, the alliance with Cicada is in pieces. Fate also seems to have a different winner in mind for the three kingdoms, but Zephyr has no intentions of respecting it. She will pay any price to see Ren succeed-and she will make her enemies pay, especially one dark-haired, dark-eyed Crow. What she'll do when she finds out the truth-that he worked for the South all along... Only the heavens know.

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