The Cultural Studies Reader

The first edition of The Cultural Studies Reader established itself as the leading textbook in the field, providing the ideal introduction for students to this exciting and influential discipline. This expanded second edition offers: * 38 essays including 18 new articles* an editor's preface succinctly introducing each article* comprehensive coverage of every major cultural studies method and theory* an updated account of recent changes in the field* articles on new areas such as science and cyberculture, globalization, postcolonialism, public spheres and cultural policy* a fully revised introduction and an extensive guide to further reading.

Booko found 5 book editions

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United Kingdom May, 2007
New: $234.25

Used: $345.55
United Kingdom Apr, 2007
New: $100.05

Used: $36.69
May, 1999
New: $82.43

Used: $21.67
Jul, 1993
New: $166.04

Used: $12.71
Jul, 1993

Used: $75.90

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