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New edition of "Rendering in Pen and Ink"

We had a battle of magic at Odd Street School! A magician came to do a show and he tried to hatch a scary Zombie Bird out of a silver egg. Eekyfreak! But thanks to Bianca's trombone, a secret trapdoor, and Martha being invisible ... the Zombie Bird turned out to be the funniest thing ever ha ha! (If you're scared of magic like our friend Ellie, don't worry. This book won't turn you into a frog. Or a rabbit!) Hope you like it, and thanks for reading this BLURB!

Booko found 2 book editions

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United States Jan, 2011
New: $49.31

Used: $42.40
Dec, 1983
New: $114.92

Used: $49.93

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