The Glitter and the Gold

This is the fascinating story of the American heiress, Consuelo Vanderbilt, who married the ninth Duke of Marlborough for anything but love in 1895. A very human story told with candor and objectivity. It will keep your interest from the first page to the last. Everybody who was anybody can be seen in these pages. From artists and writers to statesmen of the world - view her world from the splendors of the courts of St. Petersburg and Vienna to the cold and desolate winter in France of 1940's. Here is a very candid and revealing personal story coupled with a unique insider's view of aristocracy's golden age.

Booko found 11 book editions

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Oct, 2012

Oct, 2012

Oct, 2012

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Oct, 2012
New: $314.21

Oct, 2012
New: $36.29

Used: $39.14
United Kingdom Apr, 2012
New: $25.33

Used: $14.95
United Kingdom Oct, 2011
New: $57.01

Used: $34.83
United Kingdom Oct, 2011

Used: $21.35
Oct, 2011
New: $13.99

Apr, 1973
New: $37.99

Used: $19.38

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