The Suspect

Joe O'Loughlin, a psychologist faced with a recent diagnosis of Parkinson's disease, confronts a conspiracy against him after he becomes the prime suspect in the brutal murder of a woman with whom he once had a relationship.

Booko found 22 book editions

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Jul, 2014

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Mar, 2004

Mar, 2018
New: $21.60

Used: $18.50
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Used: $35.67
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Used: $16.56
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Dec, 2005
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Used: $21.44
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Used: $28.12
Feb, 2005
New: $74.99

Used: $62.08
Jan, 2005
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Used: $15.66
Jan, 2005
New: $57.35

Used: $17.00
Aug, 2004

Used: $15.02
Mar, 2004

Used: $19.95

Used: $49.12

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