Gli Occhi Della Preda

(Eyes of Prey)

Lucas Davenport #3

A weary Lieutenant Lucas Davenport, still recovering from two previous brutal cases, is drawn into the search for a serial killer, an evil man of remarkable intelligence and savagery with a penchant for mutilating the eyes of his victims. Reissue.

Booko found 38 book editions

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Jun, 2019
New: $12.99

Jun, 2019

Nov, 2012
New: $34.99

Apr, 2012

Jul, 2011
New: $21.11

Used: $9.00
Jul, 2009

Mar, 2007
New: $23.01

Used: $17.73
Jun, 2006

Jul, 2002
New: $140.69

Used: $58.24
Jun, 2001

Jun, 2001

Mar, 1992

Mar, 1992

Mar, 1992
New: $36.61

Used: $12.79
Mar, 1992

Dec, 1991

Jun, 1991

Used: $39.03
May, 1991

Used: $37.35
United States Apr, 1991
New: $89.34

Used: $35.71

Used: $81.44

Sep, 1992
New: $307.21

Used: $95.07

Oct, 1999
New: $55.42

Used: $26.94
Apr, 1994

Used: $27.33
Jan, 1998

Used: $36.49

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