Bathroom remodeling for dummies

...for Dummies

We're a nation of countless bathrooms that are on the brink of being torn apart, redesigned, and remodeled. Bathrooms are big! They've gone from being a convenience to a luxury. Welcome to Bathroom Remodeling For Dummies, where you'll discover how to transform your bathroom from blah to beautiful and inefficient to well-designed. Remodeling a bathroom is a challenge – it's action-oriented and requires extra energy and stamina. But you, undoubtedly, realize it's a challenge you want to take on. This guide can help if you Want to make your home more livable and enjoyable by updating, expanding, or improving the bathroom Want to find out how to begin the process of appraising your present bathroom so you can improve it Don't want to be pressured into selecting materials and fixtures because you want to see everything that's available and know all your options Want to know what's involved in demolishing the walls and removing the fixtures and cabinets, and how to install new ones Want to decide if you should hire help or do the work yourself Bathroom Remodeling For Dummies is organized to provide lots of useful information that is easily accessible. You'll uncover tips about: Making the most of space in your bathroom Taking control and planning the project Finding fabulous fixtures, vanities, and faucets Decorating the walls, windows, and more Creating storage space You maybe be asking yourself, "Can I remodel my bathroom without spending every penny I have, destroying the harmony of my house, and breaking the spirit of everyone involved?" The answer is yes. Bathroom Remodeling For Dummies can help.

Part of the series ...for Dummies

Booko found 3 book editions

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Mar, 2011

United States Sep, 2003

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