
Tower and the Hive

Afra has submerged his romantic feelings for the great telepath, Rowan, and has even dedicated his life to helping raise her family, but trouble brews for Afra when Rowan's talented daughter, Damia, begins to fall for him. Reprint. AB. PW.

Booko found 20 book editions

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May, 2017

Feb, 1993

Jan, 2015

United Kingdom Nov, 2012

United Kingdom Nov, 2010

Aug, 2010

United States Aug, 2010

Jun, 2004

Jun, 2004

Feb, 2003

Feb, 1993

Feb, 1993

Feb, 1993

Sep, 1992

Jul, 1992

Jul, 1992

Jul, 1992

Mar, 1992

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