Sarah Canary

When black cloaked Sarah Canary wanders into a railway camp in the Washington territories in 1873, Chin Ah Kin is ordered by his uncle to escort 'the ugliest woman he could imagine' away. Far away. But Chin soon becomes the follower. In the first of many such instances, they are separated, both resurfacing some days later at an insane asylum. Chin has run afoul of the law and Sarah has been committed for observation. Their escape from the asylum in the company of another inmate sets into motion a series of adventures and misadventures that are at once hilarious, deeply moving, and downright terrifying.

Booko found 13 book editions

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Jul, 2023

Aug, 2004

Aug, 2004

Nov, 1992

Sep, 2015
New: $25.99

Used: $15.94
Sep, 2012
New: $11.99

United Kingdom Sep, 2012
New: $465.66

Used: $29.77
Aug, 2004
New: $43.08

Used: $18.99
Jun, 1998
New: $103.99

Used: $23.44
Jun, 1995
New: $122.46

Used: $36.20
Mar, 1993
New: $165.76

Used: $34.33
May, 1992

Used: $17.62
Oct, 1991
New: $57.76

Used: $30.25

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