The Australian pocket Oxford dictionary

The Australian Pocket Oxford Dictionary is Australia's bestselling dictionary. Extensive and versatile, this dictionary is firmly established as Australia's favourite reference in schools, homes and offices. This much-anticipated new edition has been thoroughly revised and updated, with hundreds of new words you won't find in any other Australian dictionary. It provides extensive and unrivalled coverage of Australian English for a dictionary in this format.

Booko found 7 book editions

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Jan, 2014

Used: $20.45
Sep, 2007
New: $26.95

Used: $19.50
Sep, 2002

Used: $15.98
Sep, 1996

Used: $25.00
Nov, 1993
New: $129.00

Used: $30.03
Jul, 1984

Used: $20.00
Mar, 1977

Used: $29.29

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