The Keeper's Price


The first anthology of short stories set on Darkover, spanning Darkovan history: from shortly after the arrival of the lost Terran ship, through the Ages of Chaos, the rise of the Comyn and the establishment of the Compact, and the eventual return the Terrans. This anthology, first published in 1980, contains stories by Marion Zimmer Bradley, Elisabeth Waters, Diana L. Paxson, Susan M. Shwartz, Patricia Shaw Mathews, Cynthia McQuillin, Jacqueline Lichtenberg and Jean Lorrah, Linda MacKendrick, Kathleen Williams, Penny Ziegler, Eileen Ledbetter, Linda Frankel, and Paula Crunk.

Booko found 6 book editions

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May, 2016

Jul, 2012

Jul, 1993

United States Feb, 1980

United States Feb, 1980
New: $96.32

Used: $25.73
United States Feb, 1980
New: $122.16

Used: $17.12

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