The Demon-Haunted World

Science as a Candle in the Dark

Reveals the dangers associated with widespread scientific ignorance, and explains how scientific thought has served to overcome prejudice and hysteria

Booko found 32 book editions

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Jan, 2019
New: $91.08

Jul, 2008

May, 2000
New: $212.21

Jan, 1997

Jul, 1996

Jul, 1996
New: $143.21

Aug, 2017

Aug, 2017

Jul, 2017
New: $48.95

May, 2017

Mar, 2017
New: $155.21

Jul, 2011

Jul, 2011

Jun, 2008
New: $140.77

Used: $58.66
Apr, 2000
New: $29.44

Apr, 2000
New: $29.44

Jan, 2000

Mar, 1997

United States Feb, 1997
New: $29.36

Used: $36.36
Jan, 1997
New: $203.96

Used: $45.30
Jul, 1996

Used: $91.19
Mar, 1996
New: $110.48

Used: $55.71
Mar, 1996
New: $111.61

Jan, 1996

Used: $116.40
Jan, 1996

Nov, 2018
New: $166.21

Jun, 2019
New: $73.00

Jun, 2015
New: $125.17

Jul, 2001

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