

Second thrilling REDWALL adventure This IS the story of Martin the Warrior, the legendary founder of Redwall Abbey. When Verduaga Greeneyes, king of the wildcats, becomes tyrant truler over the creatures of Mossflower, the woodlanders begin a life of serfdom and cruelty. But then, one winter afternoon, a young mouse called Martin chances by the woods -bringing with him an indomitable spirit of adventure and will for freedom...

Booko found 25 book editions

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Aug, 1996
New: $94.69

Used: $14.29
Jul, 1989
New: $161.52

Used: $15.00
Dec, 1988
New: $31.73

Used: $163.52
Oct, 1988
New: $133.64

Used: $41.07
Nov, 2004

Used: $99.64

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