The Witches of Eileanan 2: The Pool of Two Moons

The Witches of Eileanan

Since the day that witchcraft was banned, all of Eileanan has been shrouded in darkness, and Arch-Sorceress Meghan o'the Beasts, along with fiery warrior Iseult, embarks on an odyssey to usurp Queen Maya's reign of terror and restore the bright promise of sorcery to the land. Original.

Booko found 5 book editions

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United States Mar, 1999

Jun, 2015
New: $16.00

Used: $70.57
Australia May, 2011
New: $12.99

Mar, 1999
New: $163.21

Used: $24.01
Australia Mar, 1998

Used: $16.90

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