Identity Revealed

Girl Detective #35

IDENTITY REVEALED My online sleuthing has led my friends and me down the Internet rabbit hole. After joining BetterLife, an online community, to try to stop a case of cyberbullying from the inside, the bullies turned on me. And now I'm close to revealing their true identities in real, off-line life. All the clues I've found have pointed me in one direction, but is it a false trail? Before I can expose the madmen behind the mayhem, I need to be absolutely sure that they're the ones wreaking havoc all over BetterLife. But how can I be sure when nothing on the Internet is as it seems? Catching this crook might be more difficult than even I anticipated!

Part of the series Girl Detective


Booko found 10 book editions

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Apr, 2009

Used: $24.59
Mar, 2009

Mar, 2009
New: $6.99

United Kingdom Oct, 2009

Used: $22.11
United States Mar, 2009
New: $18.89

Used: $16.30
Mar, 2009
New: $6.99

Mar, 2009
New: $195.21

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