Willie's Chocolate Factory Cookbook

An eccentric entrepreneur with a mission to educate the British public into the delights of top quality chocolate, Willie Harcourt-Cooze, star of the Channel 4 series WILLIE'S WONKY CHOCOLATE FACTORY, shows how to use the ultimate luxury ingredient in a collection of over 60 mouth-watering recipes. Willie's Chocolate Factory Cookbook is composed of two parts. In the first half of the book, Willie tells the extraordinary story behind his dream to produce the very best chocolate in the world. Twelve years ago, he and his wife Tania sold everything they had to buy a cacao farm in the Cloud Mountains of Venezuela. Passionate about growing, harvesting and processing their own cacao beans, their chocolate dream took the family to near bankruptcy, and from the wilds of Venezuela, where Willie learnt how to be a cacao farmer, to the rolling hills of Devon, where he built a small, chocolate factory and now makes his 100% cacao bars. We're conditioned to think that chocolate is a confectionary, when in actual fact the real thing is the most wondrous, versatile ingredient, whether you use it for savoury or sweet. Willie's recipes show how 100% cacao can enrich an astonishing range of dishes, from Tiramisu and Venezuelan Hot Chocolate to Chicken Mole and Porcini and Chocolate Risotto. Like salt, just a small amount can strengthen or bring out the flavours in food, or simply add depth and richness and body. It's amazing stuff, and should live by the olive oil in everyone's kitchen. With stunning photography, a compelling narrative, and fantastic, easy-to-follow recipes (including those from his Channel 4 programmes), Willie's Chocolate Factory Cookbook is perfect inspiration for all food-lovers. Viva Cacao! The chocolate revolution starts here...

Booko found 2 book editions

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United Kingdom Mar, 2010

United Kingdom Mar, 2009
New: $180.89

Used: $20.94

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