Esio Trot

Shy and lonely Mr. Hoppy devises a plan to win the heart of his true love, Mrs. Silver, by teaching her a spell to make her beloved pet tortoise grow bigger.

Booko found 31 book editions

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Mar, 2023

Jan, 2009

Jan, 1996

Oct, 2016
New: $19.29

Used: $19.22
Sep, 2016
New: $9.99

Feb, 2016
New: $12.00

Used: $9.75
Sep, 2014
New: $15.99

Aug, 2014
New: $81.00

Nov, 2013
New: $43.78

Used: $8.80
Nov, 2013

United Kingdom Feb, 2013
New: $39.93

Used: $5.85
Nov, 2012
New: $9.99

United Kingdom Sep, 2010

Used: $14.05
Feb, 2009

Used: $63.66
Jan, 2009
New: $18.35

Used: $6.50
Oct, 2008

United Kingdom Sep, 2008
New: $13.89

Used: $7.60
Sep, 2007
New: $40.39

Used: $10.99
United Kingdom Nov, 2003

Used: $11.28
Apr, 2001
New: $21.64

Used: $4.95
Feb, 2000
New: $26.25

Jun, 1999
New: $217.42

Used: $25.03
Oct, 1993

Used: $29.37
Jan, 1992

Used: $250.24
Sep, 1991
New: $97.34

Used: $12.30
Oct, 1990
New: $75.33

Used: $15.78
May, 1990
New: $44.35

Used: $11.99
Jan, 1990

Used: $34.91
Jan, 1980
New: $45.44

Used: $18.69

Booko collects this information from user contributions and sources on the internet - it is not a definitive list of editions. Search Booko for other editions of Esio Trot.