The Fifth Witness

Mickey Haller series #4

A blistering courtroom drama featuring The Lincoln Lawyer's Mickey Haller from the master of the genre.

Booko found 49 book editions

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Jul, 2023
New: $24.03

Used: $18.92
Sep, 2016

Jan, 2012

Oct, 2011

Oct, 2011

Used: $20.56
Australia Apr, 2011

Apr, 2011

Used: $168.87
Apr, 2011

Apr, 2011

Apr, 2023
New: $27.08

Used: $25.08
Sep, 2016
New: $24.97

Used: $12.64
Sep, 2016
New: $34.79

Used: $24.35
Mar, 2015
New: $20.45

Used: $15.94
Oct, 2013
New: $11.99

Sep, 2013

Aug, 2013
New: $11.99

May, 2012
New: $58.34

Used: $16.40

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