The Prisoner

In Search of Lost time #5

The Prisoner and The Fugitive fulfil Swann's much earlier warning to Marcel – 'Though the subjection of the woman may briefly allay the jealousy of the man, it eventually makes it even more demanding' – as Marcel and Albertine are locked in a cycle of mistrust that threatens both their identities. But these are also novels of great lyrical excitement and beauty – in the Parisian street...

Booko found 49 book editions

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May, 2022
New: $3.29

Dec, 2015

Apr, 2013
New: $3.99

Dec, 2010

Sep, 2005

Apr, 1993

Jan, 1978

New: $581.34

Used: $302.95

May, 2016
New: $41.24

May, 2014
New: $71.99

Feb, 2014
New: $37.55

United Kingdom Sep, 2012
New: $125.62

United States Jun, 2004
New: $345.21

United Kingdom Oct, 2003
New: $21.60

Used: $19.16
Oct, 2003
New: $15.99

Oct, 2002

Used: $166.31
Sep, 2000

Used: $39.01
United States Feb, 1999
New: $38.90

Used: $29.93
Jan, 1999
New: $84.82

Used: $17.58
United Kingdom Dec, 1998

United Kingdom Jan, 1997
New: $26.43

Used: $25.06
United States Jan, 1993
New: $121.77

Used: $88.35
United Kingdom Nov, 1992
New: $249.21

Used: $80.24
Sep, 1982
New: $84.07

Used: $18.59
Apr, 2016
New: $31.83

Nov, 2006
New: $49.04

Used: $239.03
Apr, 2006
New: $74.51

Used: $509.12
Nov, 2005
New: $67.98

Used: $80.66
Jun, 1994

Used: $35.01
Feb, 1968
New: $164.99

Used: $71.54
New: $284.95

Used: $103.51
Jul, 2015
New: $44.52

Jan, 2014
New: $36.28

Used: $89.64
Jan, 2014
New: $82.40

Nov, 2006
New: $584.99

Used: $71.99
Jun, 2002
New: $63.41

Used: $82.19
Nov, 2001

Used: $26.40
Jul, 1993
New: $47.35

Used: $22.41
May, 1993
New: $341.21

Used: $29.57
Feb, 1987
New: $35.91

Used: $18.81
Jan, 1900

Nov, 2004
New: $38.52

Used: $39.45
Jan, 1983

Used: $21.29
May, 1991

Jan, 2011
New: $79.00

Used: $334.30

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