The Sandman #70–75: The Wake

The Sandman #10

In the final Sandman tale, Morpheus made the ultimate decision between change and death. As one journey for the Endless ends another begins for the Lord of Dreams and his family. All the final pieces come together for the final moments of the Sandman.

Booko found 17 book editions

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Nov, 2012

Sep, 2012

Jul, 1997
New: $16.07

New: $215.71

Used: $317.61

United States Nov, 2012
New: $63.27

Used: $29.99
United States Aug, 2011
New: $56.37

Used: $27.20
Dec, 1997
New: $221.81

Used: $53.99
Jul, 1997
New: $433.21

Used: $19.84
United States Jul, 1997

Feb, 1997
New: $208.35

Used: $114.30
Mar, 2005

Used: $435.43

Used: $475.44
May, 2009

Feb, 2004

Used: $43.52
New: $92.78

May, 2010
New: $52.66

Used: $64.43

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