Fight for Planet A
Craig Reucassel
What we can do when there's no planet B. Based on the hit ABC series - don't leave earth without it Most Australians accept that climate change is real, but many don't know what to do about it and feel powerless to make a difference. In Fight for Planet A, the book of the ABC series of the same name, Craig Reucassel shows that it isn't as scary as we think, and we can make a difference to help protect the world for future generations. The Chaser comedian and presenter of War on Waste sets out solutions and practical day-to-day changes we can make to reduce our carbon footprint, as well changes our governments need to make without further delay.Find out: , *Why 'avoid, renew, reduce and offset' should be the new Insta mantra , *Why solar and a thing called Green Power can cut your carbon footprint, even if underfloor heating and hydroponics are your thing , *How the government's substantial investment in discussion papers means we lag behind most of the world when it comes to low-emission cars , *How electric cars have more grunt than your average muscle car , *Why Australians pay coal mining companies more than $1 billion a year 'to help with their diesel bills' , *How long we could power our homes on the emissions generated by our favourite cuts of beef.Featuring a few shocking statistics to make you sit up and take notice, plus many more pro-active tips and strategies for everyday Australians who want to make a difference, Fight for Planet A is for anyone who has no Planet B - which is most of us.
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