Queen Camilla

The Royal Family exiled to an Exclusion Zone with the other villains and spongers. And to cap it all, the Queen has threatened to abdicate. Yet Prince Charles is more interested in root vegetables than reigning ... unless his wife Camilla can be Queen in a newly restored monarchy. But a scoundrel claims to be the couple's secret lovechild.

Booko found 15 book editions

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May, 2012

Nov, 2007

Nov, 2007

Nov, 2007

Nov, 2007

May, 2012
New: $24.03

Used: $17.19
Apr, 2008
New: $73.46

Sep, 2007
New: $15.99

Sep, 2007
New: $15.99

Sep, 2007

Used: $11.82
Sep, 2007

Used: $16.18
United Kingdom Oct, 2006
New: $97.55

Used: $19.51
United Kingdom Oct, 2006

Used: $19.49
Feb, 2008

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