Hex and the City

Nightside #4

Lady Luck wants to hire John Taylor to investigate the Nightside itself . . . this case is going to get personal.John Taylor is a private detective with a supernatural gift for finding things, but his latest case is different. Lady Luck has hired him to investigate the origins of the Nightside, the shadowy heart of London where it's always 3 a.m. But the further he delves into the history of the Nightside, the more Taylor realises the case might be related to the greatest mystery in his own life: exactly who - or what - his mother is. He's been warned: when it comes to his mother, the truth could be dangerous. In fact, it could be downright catastrophic - and not just for the Nightside, but for all of Existence. But John Taylor is an investigator: finding things is in his very nature. And now he's close to discovering the truth, nothing can stop him. No matter what the consequences.Hex and the City is the fourth title in Simon R. Green's New York Times bestselling Nightside series.

Booko found 23 book editions

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