Tarot and the Archetypal Journey: The Jungian Path from Darkness to Light

This highly innovative work presents a piercing interpretation of the tarot in terms of Jungian psychology. Through analogies to the humanities, mythology, and the graphic arts, the significance of the cards is related to personal growth and what Jung termed ?individuation.? The Major Arcana becomes a map of life, and the hero?s journey becomes something that each individual can relate to one?s personal life. ?Sallie Nichols, in her profound investigation of the Tarot has performed an immense service. Her book enriches and helps us to understand the awesome responsibilities laid upon consciousness. She has done this not in an arid fashion but derived from her own experience of the Tarot and its strangely translucent lights. As a result her book not only lives but quickens life in whomever it touches.? ?Laurens van der

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May, 2019

May, 2019
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