The Bride Wore Black Leather

Nightside #12

It's supposed to be the happiest day of Private eye John Taylor's life - his wedding day. It's a shame he's on the run from his bride . . . Everything is finally falling into place for John Taylor - he has a new job as Voice of the Authorities in the Nightside and he's about to marry the love of his life, Suzie Shooter, the most formidable bounty hunter in the Nightside. This new life, and the responsibilities that go along with it, mean it's time for Taylor to retire from the private detective business. He just has time for one final case.But, as always, nothing in the Nightside is straightforward and his final investigation ends with a price on Taylor's head. Now the entire Nightside is against him, and his bride-to-be is after the bounty. Happily-ever-after is beginning to look like an unlikely ending for John Taylor.The Bride Wore Black Leather is the twelfth and final book in the New York Times bestselling Nightside series by Simon R. Green.

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