Northern Lights

His Dark Materials #1

Lyra Belacqua tries to prevent kidnapped children from becoming the subject of gruesome experiments, helps Will Parry search for his father, and finds that she and Will are caught in a battle between the forces of the Authority and those gathered by her uncle, Lord Asriel.

Booko found 58 book editions and 4 video editions

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Jan, 2020

Oct, 2018

Sep, 2017

Sep, 2016
New: $16.99

Apr, 2008

Apr, 2008
New: $34.99

Nov, 2007

Aug, 2007

Aug, 2007

Nov, 2004

Used: $29.68
Sep, 2004

Jun, 2001
New: $90.92

New: $38.98

New: $141.00

Sep, 2017
New: $66.99

Used: $41.38
Sep, 2017
New: $90.72

Used: $33.25
Sep, 2017
New: $30.20

Used: $19.72
Sep, 2017

Sep, 2017
New: $48.52

Used: $61.26
Sep, 2016
New: $249.21

Used: $452.25
Sep, 2016
New: $60.99

Used: $25.88
Sep, 2016

Sep, 2016
New: $37.12

Used: $24.63
Sep, 2016
New: $166.22

Used: $33.94
Sep, 2016
New: $31.11

Used: $16.07
May, 2016

Sep, 2015
New: $14.99

Sep, 2015

Sep, 2015
New: $56.51

Used: $83.27
Sep, 2015
New: $96.03

Used: $19.44
Sep, 2015
New: $21.41

Used: $19.73
Sep, 2015

Sep, 2015
New: $145.92

Used: $28.78
Sep, 2015
New: $31.02

Used: $23.87
Dec, 2012
New: $32.98

Used: $24.10
Dec, 2011
New: $57.41

Used: $57.59
United Kingdom Nov, 2011
New: $36.36

Used: $31.20
Mar, 2011

Jan, 2008

Nov, 2007
New: $119.96

Used: $29.79
United States Apr, 2007
New: $340.68

Used: $71.24
Apr, 2007
New: $45.08

Used: $27.30
United Kingdom Apr, 2007
New: $76.02

Used: $34.08
Aug, 2006

Oct, 2005

Sep, 2003
New: $44.39

Used: $36.83

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